

I never pick up C*** to the counter as it was never my first choice.
Yea, it can be Cola, Coke or even Cleo. TeeHee.
Not last as well.
As S******** sux a lot.

Whatever, the point is ...

My roommate, yes, SimPeiPei bought C*** home.
And I was really bored so I started flipping through.
Then something captures my attention.
This is it, the shamPOO which freak me off recently.

PokeYou, NO, NO, NO!

I always have really healthy scalp but since I started using that particular shamPOO for like a week then TADAH.
Here comes the sensitive scalp part.

Alright, I was born with SIBEH annoying sensitive skin issues.
But then, the piece stated that 'without exacerbating the condition'.
Hello? It is somehow CAUSING it!! wth.

Amba Amba. My skin problem.
You win LORX!

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