Watched Valentine's Day.
Everyone is saying that its nicey nicey nice nice!!
But still, it didn't really attracts me until I was told that this movie was being banned in Brunei.
So yea, upon curiosity, why not?
And Thanks a bunch to Helina (one of my coursemates) for the free ticket!
Well, I don't think its WOW!! Its damn nice, you know!!! .. Nope.
It complicates me as its about stories of different couples.
And yes, those guys look alike.
So I ended up identifying their another half to catch up with the story line.
I think the trailer is seriously much more nice than the whole movie.
Because of the song maybe~? I got a feeling~ WOOHOOOOOO~
Of course, theres lots of funny scenes.
Like the kid? Who is in love? and .. nothing else.
Anyways, the florist is cute. HUHUHUHUUUU!!
Next, watched Avatar 3D.
At last!! YAYYYY!!
The award-winning film!!
Omg!! Those creatures live in world of glow in the dark!!
And when they walk, it glows.
And they have polka dots on their skins which glow in the dark too!!
Okay, this movie is toooooooooooo looooooooooooooooooooooooong.
Its a bad idea to watch two movies continuously especially when the next one is 3D + long hours!
My butt sibeh pain cannnn??
My own bad, I know.
All the way, I was thinking 'wow, how did they do this', 'How did they do that', 'The body, is it paint or what?'....
Whatever is it, I gonna end with 'Its an awesome movie because the effects are totally cool!'.
5 years ago
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