

Watched 2012.

Seriously, will this shit really happen?
Maybe yes, the earth is boiling and what not.
The end of the world might come but 2012?
Well, people will surely pray hard during 2012 which is 3 years from now.
and Im gonna be 22 years old.
First year in the society. WTF.

okay. Back to the movie.
I think it is toooo ... over.
Or it will be really that bad when the day comes?
And, I don't think people can really fly on a plane during that gravely chaos.
Running away while the roads are cracking? Will people get that lucky?
I do not think so.

Whatever but towards the end, wheres the girl who had something with the good-looking pilot?
I thought she was trapped in between the little girl and another bunch of people who got the gate stuck!
Or .. did I get something wrong?
okay, nevermind.

Overall, I don't quite like it.
Its not up to my expectations.
As seats are always full and people wanted to watch it so badly.
So, nah~

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