
Pulau Ketam

A trip which we planned for weeksssssss.
But didn't get to accomplish as sleeping is the best thing to do during holidays.
However, we found out that if we didn't get this done, we will not do it forever.
As seriously, who will come back just for Pulau Ketam.
Wait, will I get sue for this?
If yes, please tell me.
I don't wana be Namemok.

Yes, we dragged ourselves out of bed and took off from Setia Jaya, KTM station.

With a paper of to-visit-places.
as well as the the ferry's schedule.

After the Sibeh long journey in the KTM and a short distance of walking under the Sibeh striking hot sun,
we've reached Pelabuhan Klang aka Port Klang.

Sense of excitement.

The ferry.
RM7 only.

In it.
With air conditioner.

This little kid is just toooo cute.
Well, hes the son of the tickets seller.
Yes, he loves us.

After 30minutes,


The jetty.

Pulau Ketam = Ketam.
So we started to search for Ketam.
and a weird looking fish wants to be in the photo as well.

Sibeh Sibeh Sibeh HAWT.
No no, not me.
The sun.
Thank God it didn't rain AT ALL.
As its raining season and bla bla.

Cars? What car?
Theres not even A car in the village.
Bicycles and Motors only.

and the main reason for us to be so semangat,
The bikes!!
RM5 a day.
Ride all you want like how you eat in a buffet!

So the adventurous part starts here.

From blogs and online sources that Ive read,
the fire rescue's building is one of their tourist spot.
Ermm. You know why? I think I do but sharap is the best thing to do.

The entrance to the villagers' residence.

We found out that their gates are shorter than Pei.
which shows that the village is awesomely secure.
To be frank, their people are really nice.
They can't stop smiling.

What we found.
Maybank in such small place.

They even withdraw chikings on their bike.
Cool right?

Nice looking school.
Its not what I expected tho.
I was thinking like school on stilts.

and the most popular,

'cleanliness' of Pulau Ketam.
Whatever, the people are nice.
Having behaviors like that might not be their fault.
Ermm. Maybe it is.

Nang Thiam Keng Temple.

Spot the crab, fish and prawn.
Nice one.
Me likey.

Hock Leng Keng Temple.

The tourist attractions ended here.
No way!!
We have to look for something overwhelming to sense the victory of this trip.
So we started to ride towards any narrow streets we can find.
and we found

A bridge which is really fragile.
We freak ourselves off after riding over it.

A really really really quiet place which we found a fish dealer's stock up!!

also, a boat!!

Without permission,
we stepped on the boat and started snapping pictures.
Yes, we are afraid that we will kena tiaoooo.
But whatever it is, picture comes first.

What came right up is more than amazing.
Like we never saw one?
Nope, just THAT feeling you know.

We're awesome awesome awesome!!

Of course, seafoods!!!
Wanted to try the largest restaurant in town but its closed.
Instead we tried this.
Not alot but still, I once thought that you guys are nice people.

$%^&%$@ restaurant.

Tried its fried oyster as its in the newspaper once.

I loveeeeeeee you.
Unique waaaa.
But Pei thinks its weird.
So yea.


and LALA.

Try this restaurant's fried oyster and go off to the one beside as it might be nicer.
Theres more people there.
That is IF the largest seafood restaurant in town is not in business AGAIN.

And yeap,
we hop on the ferry and off we go.


Bubyyyyeeee Pulau Ketam.


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