
Welcoming 2010

Hi people. Sorry for the lack of updates.
Most of them knew that this blog is dead when the owner reached the peaceful land.
Everything is slow and it is making me lazy.
Whatever it is, gonna update about those real soon.
Well, Christmas is over and 2009 gonna come to an end!
Happy New Year everyone!! xoxo.

New Year Resolution

1) To be a better person -Im not devilish or whatsoever. Just that I don't see myself since I get to believe that being mean is the best way to protect myself. I tend to do whatever that the red ones asked me to and ignore the white ones. Yes, people do change but Im not gonna be the one who changes from bad to worse.

2) Ignore F#$%ers - Stay away from those which will make the volcano erupts. :) Whatever F#$% they wana do or how S#$%ty they wana be, let them be. They try to F#$%ed up your life, let them be. They will surely F#$%ed up theirs without me getting involved and when time comes, ill go to heaven while you go to the F#$%ing hell. F$%# You! So, gonna forgive quickly, love truly and laugh uncontrollably!!

3) Polish the driving skills - My driving skills actually scare me to hell. Well, it scare the pants off off my bitches and bastards as well. So, Im here to announce that I hate driving manuals but still, I gonna drive until I get to go on autos and piuu yiiii~ Woohooooo~

4) Kiam Buii - This sudden thought came about when people around me kept telling me that Im OVERsized. Super duper oversized. What more, I have to inhale and exhale really hard before stepping on the weighing machine. I can't bear to see how 53kg can increase drastically to **kg (NO! Im not gonna reveal the number) in less than a year. Thats when I know yes, its the time.

5) Health man Health - This might be lame but its omfgly important for me. Yeap, Im huge in size with a negative towards the bottom end health status and that sucks full time. What really freaks me out is that my thyroid is getting stable without frequent intake of medication. Muamua kept telling me that it can leads to cancer, so yea, FML. 19year old lady with 3 tablets per day, FMLkaokao. (Well, it used to be 6 per day, wtf). I seriously dislike the feelings of gulping tablets everyday. Makes me feel so sick. So yea, take this issue extremely serious and start consuming those tablets so I do not have to do so during my 80th birthday.

6) Study bitch! - I knew that studying is absolutely not my thing since I finished the O'levels few years back. However, I insisted on getting a Degree so I will not slack just like that. Hey, I wana be somebody, not nobody in the future okay. So, MWY!! Can you just stop being so damn playful and get the nose under those researches?!?! FML.

7) Get a boyfie? - 3years of single life and its awesome but its time to get a boyfie kuax~? A person which I can tell him whatever F#$%@ing Shit that I should think twice before telling others? thats amazing!! okay. no further elaboration. *blush

okay. Hope that I'll stick with those in the year 2010.
Rules are made to be broken. So ~ we'll see, we'll see.

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