
14 Blades

OKAYS! This blog is dead, i know!
Wait till I get those photos and make a no-talking post alright! :)

Well, back to the land of WHET much much.
And I miss the land of BORING much much ALOT!

Waking up while thinking what to eat really sucks full time.
The car!! I can't go BYE EVERYONE and Vrooooom.
But URGH! Hello Uncle Taxi who acts like vampire that sucks chikings damn hard!

Wanted to WHET so much since Im back.
But seems like the lazy me is kicking in.
Im saying NO to everything.

Still, went and watch 14 Blades during the very first night of arrival.
Of course, this particular movie won't be my first choice but what can you do when you have a friend who is a total fans of WuChun?
ahh yes, he looks like Captain Jack Sparrow in the movie!
Anyways, do not ever judge a movie by its actors. HAH!
Its awesome awesome awesome although some parts complicate me.
Less talking, more actions scenes. *likes
Somemore, theres scenes which allow people to laugh to death. *loves
Recommended to people who enjoys action movies alot.
Its 18SG so imagine the scenes, awesomeness.

I get to know that Avatar(3G) is still on in TGV.
and yes, I didn't get to watch this prize winning thing YET.

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